Version 0.9.2

Released on 2014-03-01.

February is a short month, and members of the Ratpack team are dealing with life changing events so things have been a little quiet on the Ratpack front. However, 0.9.2 still has some great improvements.

Thanks to David M. Carr for some great contributions in this release. It's now much easier to add custom dialects when using the Ratpack Thymeleaf integration. Thanks to David, Ratpack's Guice support now also includes multibinding support.

Work is continuing on the metrics support, with a pre canned handler for displaying a metrics dashboard ready to go. See Rus's tweet for an example.

This release also sees the addition of the ratpack-hikari library for integrating the super efficient JDBC connection pooling library HikariCP. This is being used for Ratpack's, under development, entry into the Techempower benchmarks. Thanks dimzava for some great contributions to our entry. We hope to be ready for round 10 so we can see how Ratpack's performance stacks up against other frameworks. Our initial data is looking very good.

Pull Requests (3)

Resolved Issues (9)